About Me

Photo taken of me by a passing photographer, Kamiran. IG: Kamiranpics.

Who Am I?

My name is Daniel and I am a British guy in his mid 20s who has had a passion with writing ever since I was young. Many ideas for stories have came and went with varying levels of success before I decided to settle with the current story I'm working on now.

The goal of All Because Of A Pigeon is basically to write a story that I really enjoy and not fall into too many of the pitfalls that most science fiction is falling into these days, much to the dissatisfaction to the viewers and readers. The main theme of ABAP is the power of influence and as long as a number of checkboxes are ticked, anyone can be pressured to do anything.

In my spare time, I enjoy making videos revolving trains as well as doing photography of other vehicles. Mainly buses and wildlife.