Art by Pablo
'The Non-Neutral Entity'
Age: 13.84 billion years
Species: Celestial Judgemantian
Powers: Pigeon strong.
Likes: Torture, schadenfrude, suffering, manipulation, games of chess, travelators
Dislikes: Putting any form of effort to accomplish things, using his wings to fly.
In the same way certain questionable people enjoy dousing salt on slugs or burning ants with a magnifying glass, this cosmic entity has an insane fascination with messing around with those much less powerful than him and has done so for billions of years.
A sentient star with the size and appearance of a common wood pigeon, Palumbiaan warns Mirande about an upcoming the apocalypse and willingly protects her to ensure the plans to save the entire universe are carried out as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Get on his good side and he’s willing to offer protection to both you and your loved ones. Get on his bad side if you instead wish to be shredded sub atomically or thrown into a black hole.